Mila Shutova


Mila Shutova

Personal Trainer | Lifestyle Coach | Education Plus | Fitness Pro


  • Personal Training Specialist (canfitpro) since 2011
  • Holistic Lifestyle Coach (CHEK Instittute) since 2014
  • Kangoo Jumps Instructor
  • Zumba Instructor
  • CPR

As a personal trainer, I specialize in strength training, weight loss, body recomposition, nutrition, and holistic lifestyle coaching. As an instructor, I have previously taught bootcamp, circuit training, kangoo jumps, hip hop for kids, zumba. My certifications:

In my Holistic Lifestyle Coaching practice I focus on health as a multidimensional concept, looking at the underlying causes of disease and stress, and view the body as a system of systems. Assessment of current fitness level, nutritional habits, lifestyle, and other factors impacting health. Teaching valuable tools and techniques to help increase energy and vitality, reduce stress, and sculpt body with appropriate types of exercise.