GSE Clubs recognizes that children of varying athletic levels did not have the same opportunity to learn sport-specific skills as serious players or elite young athletes. Many of these children aspired to be better players, but unfortunately did not have the best setting in which to learn sport-specific skills, have fun, be safe, and take those lessons home and apply them to their everyday lives.
We have a vision that every child should experience the joy and benefits of sports. We created a purpose for the company: “Teaching life skills through sports, games, dance and more."
With his vision and purpose stated, GSE Club was born.
Remaining true to its purpose and vision, we have added more sports to the offering and safe, fun, and skill-focused sports camps were realized. Over the last some years, vibrant memories have been created in the lives of students, coaches, and long-term associates of GSE Club.
Hundreds of excited children arrive when GSE Club comes to town to hold a sports camp. Full of interaction and excitement, the camps provide great fun for everyone, and our best camps are known to have a festival-like atmosphere.
Mission Statement
The most incredible part of a GSE Club is that the children forget that they are learning very valuable sport and life skills, because those lessons are so well integrated with friendly and fascinating play. Most important to us, and the purpose of GSE Club, is to teach life skills through sports.